The McAllen Research & Education Park Master Planning & Programming Services

The location of the Research Park is unique in that it is at the center of the manufacturing community with approximately 2,500+ companies and 45+ industrial parks in the area. The area is very attractive to incoming and growing companies because of the reduced labor costs and labor availability but also because of the quality of the workforce, the proximity to R&D, easy access to higher education, training programs and equipment resources. A talent development training network has been developed by the higher education system in the area. This network has assisted companies specializing in advanced and rapid response manufacturing techniques with an employee pool second to none. The University of Texas – Pan American and South Texas College provide critical training and support resources. Their near-term strategic plan includes positioning themselves to make these programs even more robust by investing in research programs and facilities. The improving quality and diversification of the workforce will only continue to assist economic growth in the coming years.

This needs assessment describes the spatial requirements for the first phase of the McAllen Advanced Manufacturing Research & Education Park. The spaces described herein are intended to create a synergetic environment that facilitates the education and training needs of the local manufacturing community. Although categorized by a major stakeholder, many of these spaces are intended to be available to any of the users within the building or the community at-large as appropriate.

Major space components of the  needs assessment include:

  • The University of Texas – Pan American College of Engineering and Computer Sciences
  • Rapid Response Manufacturing Center / Incubator Areas
  • Corporate Learning Center
  • NAAMREI Offices/Research Park Administration
  • General Building Areas