University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Site Selection

The State of Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning engaged Broaddus Planning to assist in analysis and selection of a new site for expansion of its University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast campus programs. USM had been considering a potential expansion of its Gulfport, Mississippi campus prior to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. Following the storm, plans for implementing the expansion campus, as well as limited refurbishing of the existing campus, were accelerated. The project planning analysis involved a technical review of ten potential sites in the Gulf region of the state, which were then narrowed to three specific sites consideration.

Evaluation of the potential 200-acre sites involved comprehensive analysis of both objective and subjective criteria, ranging from wetlands delineation and soil conditions to overall site accessibility, visibility and flexibility for future growth. Each site was studied as it related to the potential for surrounding development, including “Town-Gown” synergies, the possibility for a research campus, and quality of potential open space. Broaddus Planning’s final site analysis recommendation was for a 200-acre parcel integrated into a larger 2,000-acre mixed-use development north of IH-10 and Gulfport, Mississippi, in close proximity to the existing regional campus.